Seething with excitement for Acheh forest [in] early month;moon of maret last, good old**llama*which have was awaited by public after Sub-Province of Tamiang punched [by] floods and slide [at] last December, 75 people die and 200.000 people become refugee, loss appraised to reach Rp 2 triliun. Good how goes the word that ? Moratorium Forest Acheh, becoming Governor komitmen Governance of Acheh by abstracting permit of illegal and legal. By kontekstual, forest moratorium of aceh is urgent agenda to immediately isn't it by kongkriet, and not merely limited to discourse on paper for the consumption of mass media. forest of Aceh is the part of tropical forest [of] indonesia having storey;level of deforestrasi highest and quickest in all the world, according to report of Food Agriculture Organisation and ( FAO) 2007, loss indonesia 1,9 million ha forest every year him or 8 football ground times;rill per his minute, and according to World Bank, 70 until 80 [gratuity/ %] of circulation of wood in Indonesia is illegal. [Among/Between] Moratorium and Plantation of Sawit Moratorium ( jeda) isn't it wood is stop or coagulation whereas entire/all aktifitas hewing of big and small scale wood ( industrial scale) selected for the time being until a wanted condition to be reached. Llama or a period of/to the goning into effect of moratorium was usually determined by how much/many time depth required to reach the condition. Structural problem [of] forestry which we face in this time intricate so complex and. The problems not selfsupporting, but each other influencing one otherly. Forestry reform can only reach [by] if/when the problems can overcome by simultan and totally to [go] to management of fair forest sumberdaya and have continuation. With problem complexity storey;level, moratorium provide double benefit and opportunity for execution entire/all stages;steps.